Excellent reporting and analysis of conspirituality and the new age scams of Sacha Stone by Evans. In regards to the final paragraph and questions, we hipsters have to shoulder the blame. It comes from our long relationship with alternative ideas and practices, which has long included cults, charlatans and mind gamers but also, we are now learning, live-action role playing games, LARPs, satires, pranks and intellectual stress tests. “Is QAnon a Game Gone Wrong” from The Financial Times, 10/15/20, lays out a lot this history nicely. We’ve been hit by a perfect storm of tech, alienation, virtuality and conspiracy theorists. Indeed Trump is an expert Theoristt, having studied with Roy Cohn and used Birtherism before moving up to stolen-election conspiracy. But so is Putin, Q, Alex Jones… welcome to the golden age of conspiracies. But we did deconstruct western civilization, starting in the ‘60s, and I think we can solve this and rebuild better with more Socratic thinking.